20th February 2015 completed painting in watercolour of two brave little girls, Pollyanna Hope and Mariatu Conteh. Pollyanna lost her leg in a terrible bus accident in London and through this tragedy was born Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope. The mission is to bring hope and opportunity to some of the most vulnerable child amputees in the world. Mariatu had crawled onto a land mine at the age of seven months. The painting shows Pollyanna with her friend Mariatu Conteh in Sierra Leone after Pollyanna, with her crutches had run five kilometres for the charity. Thousands of young amputees in developing countries suffer every day, with little or no access to medical assistance, social support or education. As a result they face life-threatening infections, struggle to move around and are isolated from society. This was very emotional for me to paint as whilst in the painting process, I was informed that both young girls, Pollyanna in UK and Mariatu in Sierra Leone had become very ill due to infection. Thankfully, Pollyanne, after three months in hospital made a complete recovery, however, Mariatu died due to the infection.
The reference photograph used for the watercolour painting is with the kind permission of The Daily Telegraph. Please visit www.elizabethslegacyofhope.org